How To Be A Good Client

A good contractor has a great relationship with their client. But it takes two to tango. The successful contractor/client relationship should be mutually beneficial and cohesive.

Not all clients and agencies will be the perfect match. Making sure your contractor is the right fit is important. Feel free to ask questions to make sure the contractor can fulfill your needs and provide you with your desired results. But be prepared to be interviewed by your contractor to make sure you fit into their client model. Contractors have the right to not work with clients as much as clients have the right to move on from a contractor.

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Virtual Assistant Services

Are you curious about the services virtual assistants offer? Check out some descriptions and tips we use to complete these tasks.

General Administrative Services- From invoicing to file organization, the tedious tasks will be off of your plate. These tasks can take away from you getting done the specialized work only you can do. Or these tasks steal you away from your time with friends and family. *Tip- Gift yourself more time by delegating general administrative tasks to a virtual assistant.

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Where Did Crew Come From?

I started Crew Business Solutions to help small businesses succeed. I have always found joy in being part of a team and being able to support others. My parents ran their own small business from our home for many years. I saw the struggles of entrepreneurship but also the rewards. Crew was started to reduce the mundane tasks that bog down business owners. Crew is here to work with small business owners to give them some of their time and life back.

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