Why Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant) Instead of a Full- Time Employee

Hiring an independent contractor has it's benefits! Like not paying for benefits.

When you hire a virtual assistant they are an independent contractor. When you hire an independent contractor you are not responsible for:

  • Health Benefits-Independent contractors are responsible for their own health insurance

  • Payroll Taxes-Independent contractors are 1099 employees. They file and pay their own payroll taxes through their company.

  • Social Security-Again, as a 1099 employee, independent contractors are responsible for their social security contributions.

  • Vacation-No paid time off here. If the contractor isn’t working for you, they aren’t being paid by you.

  • Computers-Independent contractors are responsible for their own equipment in order to complete tasks. Unless you are requesting a specific software be used, you are not responsible for equipment expenses.

  • Internet-This is another expense covered by the contractor.

  • Office Space-You are not required to provide a work space for your contractor. This can reduce your expenses and increase your available space.

  • Idle time-When you have employees watching the clock or scrolling on social media, you are still paying for their time. Independent contractors only bill you for the time the spend working on your projects. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average office worker clocks in for 8.8 hours but only works for 2 hours and 53 minutes. That is almost six hours of time that could be spent living your life. And time employers are paying employees to not work.

  • Small business owner-Virtual Assistants are small business owners too. They understand other small business owners and take ownership and pride in their work.

If you think a virtual assistant may be what your small business needs, give Crew Business Solutions a call and let’s discuss your needs.


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