Advertising When Busy???

There are a variety of ways companies market themselves to customers. Having your company’s name on your truck, placing yard signs at job sites, promoting your website, having a social media presence and word-of-mouth referrals are all effective forms of marketing.

So when a company is busy, do they take the name off of their truck? No, and other forms of marketing should continue as well. Even if you are busy now, maintaining an effective presence and top-of-mind awareness with consumers is key to you continuing to be busy later.

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Freelance Considerations

Companies are hiring contractors for everything from photographers, social media managers consultants and even virtual assistants. When working with freelance professionals, realize they are business owners too. The relationship you have with a contractor needs to be mutually beneficial. Keep these considerations in mind and watch as both sides flourish and succeed!

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The Element of Engagement

How you engage with your clients leaves a lasting impression of your company on your consumers.

If you leave questions, messages, or comments unattended, clients will feel ignored or unimportant. Most social media platforms also consider engagement in their algorithms. Unanswered comments will affect the ranking of your account and your organic growth.

Not only is responding to engagement on your page important but engaging with other accounts is just as important for your business’s ranking and organic growth.

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Goal Setting 2021

Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2021! This is a great time to reset, revamp and readjust. Have a positive mindset, set goals and crush them! Putting goals down on paper helps to make them real and holds you accountable to achieve your goals. Check out some of the goals for Crew Business Solutions!

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2020 End of Year Recap

Crew Business Solutions tries to find the silver linings and positive aspects of everything. We definitely could write multiple posts about the negative things that occurred in 2020 but instead, we are choosing to focus on the positive! Like Spotify and many other apps, we’ve decided to do a year in review. So here’s a recap of the evolution and timeline of 2020 through the eyes of Crew Business Solutions.

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Facebook for Business

Opening a Facebook page for your business only makes sense when there are so many users (potential clients) and it is FREE. There is no reason to not further legitimize your business, increase your company’s name presence on the internet and take advantage of word of mouth advertising.

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Why You Should Shop/Use Small, Local Businesses

Shopping at or using the services of small, local businesses has many benefits. There are many reasons to support local businesses not only on Small Business Saturday, but every day of the year.

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