Last week’s blog discussed having a social media presence for your business. This week we dive a little deeper specifically into having a business page on Facebook.

According to, in Q3 of 2018 there were 2.375 billion active users with users actively logging on daily at 1.49 billion. That number has only increased.

Opening a Facebook page for your business only makes sense when there are that many users (potential clients) and it is FREE. There is no reason to not further legitimize your business, increase your company’s name presence on the internet and take advantage of word of mouth advertising.

There are Facebook users that use the network as a search engine. The user will search for companies and services through the application. If your company is not listed, you will miss a potential client.

The more your company is mentioned on any site on the internet the more you will appear in search engine results. Having a Facebook page adds another mention of your company and adds to your search engine optimization.

When you have a business page on Facebook, you open yourself to be “tagged” in posts. When a customer has a great experience, they are able to boast about your services and mention your company name. This mention not only helps your SEO but if you are tagged in the post, anyone who sees it can easily click or touch your name and be taken directly to your business page to learn more about your company. This streamlines and makes contacting and connecting with your company easy and efficient for the user.

Using a Facebook page for your business is another avenue for you to communicate with customers. You manage your business page through your personal page but the content is kept separate. This is important as your personal beliefs and perspectives will not be communicated on your business page (unless you decide to share). This allows for you to keep a professional brand and personal beliefs separated.

Facebook offers other tools that can help market your business. Your page is able to connect with other businesses as well as customers. You can join groups to connect with similar businesses or look for help with your business. You can even start your own group to connect with customers or other businesses. Many businesses will start a group with a hidden agenda of lead generation. This can be effective as long as you provide value in the group before you start selling.

Facebook business ages are fairly simple to set up. You can get in depth with your business page. the more information you include the more effective your page will be. A business page can also allow you to promote your business through paid advertising. The costs associated with advertising on Facebook tend to be less expensive than traditional forms of advertising as you can really target your demographic resulting in a better return on your investment.

Once you have a business page set up, you will have access to Facebook’s Business Suite. The application is always being updated and modified but essentially it separates your business pages from your personal Facebook. This can reduce confusion and help prevent the dreaded posting personal posts on your business page.

If you would like to set up a Facebook page for your business but need help, Crew Business Solutions is here to support your company and help you succeed.


2020 End of Year Recap


Business Social Media Presence