Is your business on social media? If you are not, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity. Having a presence on social media holds many benefits for your business.

Social media is a free source of advertising. It costs nothing to open a page for your business on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest. These social networks are a great way to promote your business and are fairly easy to set up.

Social media networks allow your customers to promote your business for you. It is very common for satisfied (and unsatisfied) customers to share their experience with a company on their social media. The average Facebook user has 338 friends according to That is potentially 338 people that can come to know about your superior workmanship or customer service from one customer.

In today’s world having a social media presence is almost as important as having a website. Some companies use their Facebook business page as their website but believe a website is still crucial. A social media presence in conjunction with your website is a great way to reach even more potential clients. Like a website, a social media presence legitimizes your company and your services.

You do not have to be on every single social media platform. Many networks are geared towards different demographics. LinkedIn is a network intended for business connections. Facebook tends to have an older demographic than Instagram. Pinterest is heavily saturated with female users. Decide what platform would be most beneficial for your business.

Having a presence on social media also contributes to your search engine optimization. The more your company’s name and information is mentioned and located on the internet the better you show up when searched for on the internet.

Although social media networks are free to use there are opportunities for paid advertising. The benefit of advertising on social media is you are really able to target your specific demographics as these networks contain a ton of user information. Social media advertising is typically cheaper than traditional advertising efforts with a better return on your investment.

If you need help setting up or maintaining an active and effective social media presence for your company, Crew Business Solutions can help! Feel free to reach out to us to learn more!


Facebook for Business


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