I never thought I’d be a VA. I’m not sure what I wanted to be when I grew up…and I still don’t.

But I like being a VA because:

  • I work the hours I choose-I get to choose the hours I work. I work with my clients and get what needs to be done, done, but I also get to uphold my personal commitments, even if they are in the middle of the day in the middle of the week.

  • I get to help-Helping clients succeed and giving them the chance to breath or relax a little is the most rewarding part of this job. I watched my parents work all hours of the day running their business as a child. I am happy to give other small business owners a few extra minutes of their time back.

  • Remote office-I work hard. But sometimes it’s in front of a pool or at the beach. I am able to help friends out with watching their children when they are in a pinch.

  • Work when it hits you-You aren’t always creative between 9 and 5. Sometimes you feel productive at 7pm or 1am. Creative tasks are more successfully completed when not under a harsh time frame.

  • Not trading time for money-My skills are appreciated and my time is valued. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average office worker clocks in for 8.8 hours but only works for 2 hours and 53 minutes. That is almost six hours of time that could be spent living your life. And time employers are paying employees to not work.

  • I control my own destiny-If i don’t work, I don’t get paid. I can work as hard as I want or as little as I want. But I have goals and I work to make my dreams a reality.


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